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I was overwhelmed by the generosity and loving care of the Hugmakers of EPC in giving me and [my dog] a rug each. You can be sure I will use the rug in Winter to keep us both warm.
Thank you to the wonderful team for your support and care of my mum. Words cannot express how grateful we are. Special thanks to Sarah, Jennika & team.
I just wanted to say a big thank you for organising this program (EPC Carers Class "Mindfulness with Sandeep") and the opportunity to participate. I am very grateful for your support and that of the EPC team throughout this whole experience. Your work is very important and you make such a positive difference in the lives of those you interact with.
Many bereaved carers we ring talk about the handwritten card they received and how touching it was for them
One carer has never accessed counselling but because of the card and letter felt EPC was continuing to reach out to him and decided to access the help he needed in bereavement from EPC
I love my involvement with EPC and look forward to my next client. You are to congratulated on the support you extend to each and every one of us.
I now have a more accepting attitude toward death and dying and am more comfortable talking about such topics.
EPC has grown and grown! It has grown in size and reputation and I am proud to be part of the organisation.
I love my team, feel part of it, and being able to empower carers with the skills and knowledge to enable them to care, is an amazing feeling for me.
You have such a "knack" of making each one feel they're special and they're in your mind ... you do make the time to be there for us all and enbcourage us ... you bring out the best in us ... you've a talent for making us feel we've done something special.
Wow! What a difference I hear in the voice and experience of my clients, since they have had a volunteer assigned to them.