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Helpful information for carers and families of people in residential aged care facilities

Helpful information for carers and families of people in residential aged care facilities (RACF)

Carer Support/Counselling:

  • Lifeline (13 11 14) are a national charity providing all Australians experiencing emotional distress with access to 24 hour crisis support and suicide prevention services.
  • Griefline (1300 845 745) Offers grief and loss support to anyone who is grieving.

Assistance for carers:

  • Carer Gateway provides support for carers across Australia that can include respite, tailored packages, counselling, education and peer support.
  • The Palliative Care Advice Service (1800 360 000) offers free, confidential advice for all Victorians seeking information about life-limiting illness, palliative care or end-of-life care.

Culturally and Linguistically Diverse:

Mental Health Support:

  • Wellbeing for Older Adults provides counselling and befriending services. Counselling services are delivered face-to-face or via telehealth by postgraduates studying psychology, counselling or social work.
  • The Healthy Ageing program provides support to those living in residential aged care facilities who may be impacted by mental health decline, mental health illness and emotional distress.
  • The Aged Care Volunteer Visitor Scheme provides volunteer visits for friendship and companionship to older people living within residential aged care or receiving a Home Care Package.

Dementia Support:

  • Dementia Australia is the national peak body supporting people living with dementia, their families and carers. They provide information, support, advice and helpline 1800 100 500 for families and carer.

Cancer Support:

  • Cancer Council provide support with information, advice, resources and volunteers.

Advocacy Support - Residential Aged Care:

  • Elder Rights Advocacy helps older people, their families and representatives in Victoria with issues related to aged care services. Their service is free, confidential, and independent of aged care providers and the government.
  • If you have a complaint about a Residential Aged Care provider, contact the Aged Care Quality and Safety Commission.

Advanced Care Planning:

  • Advance Care Planning provides information and forms need for advance care planning in Victoria. It involves planning for your future health care and enables people to make decisions now about the health care they would or would not like to receive if they were to become seriously ill and unable to communicate their preferences or make treatment decisions.
  • The Victorian Civil and Administration Tribunal can review the validity, cancellation, amendment or meaning of an advance care directive - Review of an advance care directive.

Funeral Planning:

  • Gathered Here aim to make end-of-life services simpler and more accessible for everyone.  They compare funeral directors in your area.